Author Archives: ecc

Microgrid Energy Management Controller

Energy management in microgrids is a highly researched topic especially after the impact of increased renewable energy penetration. At PEMSES, we develop a novel hierarchical Multi-Agent System (MAS) based controller for Energy Management in microgrids. The proposed control architecture will provide faster response and enhanced resiliency even during controller faults. We test the robustness of the controller using real-time simulation tools. We are also working towards electric vehicle integration to grid.

High Temperature Gate Driver for SiC MOSFET

In recent years, SiC MOSFET has been the most preferred power semiconductor device for medium voltage range due to its improved switching response and high temperature (HT) operation capabilities. This HT operation capability of SiC MOSFET increases its application in HT environments like motor drives, hybrid electrical vehicles and industrial drilling tools. Though SiC MOSFET has the capability to operate at a higher junction temperature (150°C to 200°C), it requires a robust gate drive and protection circuit for its reliable operation. Our work at PEMSES focuses on development of HT gate driver for SiC MOSFET. The proposed gate driver consists of an improved desaturation and under voltage lock out circuit.

5G comET

There are big advantages to 5G networks. In addition to faster speeds, 5G offers greater bandwidth and network capacity, paving the way for a future of driverless cars, connected devices and more high-definition connections for virtual meetings and tele-medicine. But the roll out in the United States and elsewhere has been stymied by gaps in available technology that could operate at the high frequencies required by 5G.

Envelope tracking is a type of power supply modulation technique that continuously adjusts the converter voltage used by the radio frequency power amplifier in order to keep it running at peak efficiency. Boosting both frequency and power at the same time is technically challenging, in part because of the excess heat produced. The continuous adjustment via envelop tracking can significantly reduce the amount of waste heat produced by the system, despite the higher power output.