Gallium Nitride-Based Miniaturized Pulsed Power System Architecture for Mission-Critical Applications (ARPA-E)

This project involves technology that will improve the converter system’s power density, efficiency, and operational life across pulsed power applications such as healthcare tech (e.g., MRI) and water purification; where the miniaturized size of the system will also disruptively reduce the cost of downhole well logging tools used in fossil and geothermal energy production. The project is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency with a $1 million grant for three years starting in April 2022. Part of the project will include designing a DC-DC converter with a few Kilowatts and the capability to work with high-temperature operations up to 175 degrees Celsius for downhole tools to perform sub-surface characterization and the other part involved power converter development for MRI application.

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